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Testimonies of Healing

I cannot measure the good derived...

From the July 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I cannot measure the good derived from my study and application of Christian Science. There have been many beautiful healings and proofs of God's protective care. These include instances of divine guidance, the resolution of relationship difficulties, and adequate monetary supply. Lost articles have been recovered, and grief has been overcome. My gratitude is unbounded for the Christian Science practitioners who have helped me at various times when my spiritual understanding has seemed in need of support. "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand" (Ps. 139:17, 18).

Less than a year after my husband and I were married (before this Science had entered our lives), I had an emergency operation. Afterward I was told that there was only a fifty-fifty chance of my ever having children. This was quite a blow, as we had been planning on a family. Two gynecologists were unable to help me.

Finally, I mentioned this situation in a letter to an aunt, who was a Christian Science practitioner. She responded immediately to my request for help through prayer. She also wrote me of her great confidence in God's law, which overrules material, suppositional laws. She cited the case of Abraham and Sarah, who were able to have a child, though material circumstances had deemed this an impossibility (see Gen. 17:15-21; 21: 1-3). My hope was strengthened and encouraged. Nine months after my aunt received my letter, a beautiful baby girl was born to us. My husband and I were delighted.

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