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Testimonies of Healing

Long before the turn of the century...

From the July 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Long before the turn of the century my grandmother was healed through Christian Science treatment of a condition that had been pronounced incurable by the doctors; all hope of her recovery had been abandoned. After her healing she lived an active and full life, to more than eighty years of age. The entire family began studying this healing Science that had brought such blessing to their home, and four generations of Christian Scientists have followed. My own healings have been too numerous to recount, but among them are healings of pneumonia, influenza, burns, food poisoning.

At one time I fell on the base of my spine, and the injury was diagnosed as a dislocated sacroiliac. Since the accident occurred in an office building, I was obliged to have a medical diagnosis for the company's insurance purposes. The doctors were quite concerned and predicted prolonged and painful limitation of activity. I signed the necessary releases from responsibility for the hospital, and was taken home.

Two months later the healing was so complete that I was able to respond to a call to military service, for which I had applied earlier. I participated without restriction in all physical and other basic training and then continued with officer training and enjoyed a full career in the United States Air Force before I retired for length of service. On one occasion a required physical examination with the military doctors uncovered a kidney ailment that they designated as critical. But this opinion was no deterrent to swift and complete healing in Christian Science.

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