Spiritual identity persists despite the apparent comings and goings of material personalities and things on earth. Antedating and postdating the dream of materiality, individual being exists now, forever in God's infinite realm, untouched by mortal events.
The author of the spiritual account of creation must have glimpsed the divine and changeless nature of things that appear to us on earth. He declares, "God made . . . every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew."Gen. 2:4, 5.
God's whole creation exists forever intact. What we see as material, growing plants, creatures of the earth, men and women, are limited perceptions of creation; yet they can remind us of the fact that objects of God's creation actually exist. God's creation is untouched by time and is not material. His creation includes the plant in its true identity before it appeared to mortal sense to rise out of the soil of earth. God's creation, being spiritual, could never become fibrous, cellular, mortal. The material condition is basically a false viewpoint.