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Finding commendation, not condemnation, in God

From the October 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How easy it is sometimes to fall into the trap of condemnation!

It's true, as we look at the world about us, there seems much to condemn or to wring our hands over. Whether it's the attitudes and acts of foreign nations, of national and local figures, or of our neighbors and families, we all see things that miss the mark.

All too frequently we find ourselves condemning others. What can ultimately be even more disastrous is the habit of condemning ourselves. We do things that fall short of our standards, say things we regret, do things that are less than charitable. And then we start putting ourselves down for what we've done. Or it can be that we just generally don't like what we perceive ourselves to be. We may feel anything but worthwhile. These currents of thought can become like a whirlpool that pulls us down and down into the depths.

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