Having been raised with Christian Science in my home, I was lovingly cared for and guided into an understanding of God as Life, Truth, and Love. Many happy occurrences and great protection resulted from this understanding. As an adult, however, I did not rely completely on God for healing but sometimes turned to medical means. It was not until ten years ago that I really decided to rely completely on God for healing.
I had, off and on, studied the weekly Bible Lessons outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly and read the Christian Science periodicals, and also had asked at various times for prayerful treatment from Christian Science practitioners. At one point, though, I became very depressed and could not seem to function in a normal way. For example, I could not repeat even a portion of the Lord's Prayer without losing my concentration.
For a short time thoughts of suicide would come to me. My dear husband saw my desperate need for spiritual nourishment (medication and psychology had not proved helpful) and alerted a Christian Scientist friend to my need. She then invited me to her home once a week to read the current Bible Lesson together. Over a period of weeks my state of thought improved so much that I began memorizing treasured citations from each lesson. I began to function normally, and the depression disappeared.