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From its founding, Christian Science was described not simply as a Church but as a new religious movement. It remains new in heart and spirit. As someone once said, "A movement moves." Articles on the subject of Church and movement appear regularly in this section.

Needed: "settled and systematic workers"

From the October 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At this juncture in history, the world certainly needs effective healers to help mankind progress toward spiritual freedom.

If you knew that by your own spiritual growth a life could be saved; that a child could be healed of emotional or physical scars; that an individual suffering the depths of depression could be lifted into a joyful and productive life; that a criminal could be reformed—would it be worth it to you to achieve that spiritual growth? Would it be worth it to you to become more settled and systematic in your spiritual efforts?

Reading this, are you surprised? Do you respond, "Who, me? Heal those situations?"

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