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Holding crime in check

From the October 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Do you find the news depressing at times? If we take some of the reports at face value, it may appear that widespread disregard of law, order, and morality threatens the very existence of our civilization.

Recently, when I realized that my own peace of mind was greatly disturbed by these things, I asked myself, What can I do to prevent the destruction of all that I hold dear? I felt quite helpless. Then I remembered that our dear Master, Christ Jesus, came to show us the way to overcome all evil. It occurred to me that to those around Jesus the world must have seemed as doomed as it may seem to us today. The Jews were subjugated by a despotic military power. Moral degeneracy and debauchery were rampant. Moreover, the Jewish religious establishment was bent on crushing out the influence of Christ Jesus and the unparalleled spiritual light he was bringing to the world.

Jesus was well aware of these things, but just before his crucifixion he told his disciples, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."1

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