It has been nearly sixty years since I was introduced to Christian Science through a friend who gave me copies of the Christian Science Sentinel. I read each issue avidly. Although I didn't understand all of what I was reading, I knew there was something there of vital importance for me.
I decided to buy the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and a Christian Science Quarterly, so that I could study the weekly Bible Lessons. I was consistent in my study and church attendance, but I was cautious and tentative about relying on Science wholeheartedly for healing. As I experienced some healings through prayer, however, my confidence grew and I relied on Science more and more.
One of the first proofs I had of the efficacy of Christian Science healing came when I had a fall down some basement stairs just before our first child was born. My head hit the concrete with such force that I was knocked unconscious. When I came to, among other things, my arm was dangling at my side.