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Your Insights

In these pages we’ve gathered several shorter items—articles a page or less in length and excerpts from longer manuscripts that offer useful, inspiring insights. We hope you enjoy this kind of short-form nourishment in each issue.

Demonstrating Truth now - no waiting

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I called a friend for some information, I was aware—even on the phone—that she was having difficulty getting up and going to get what I’d asked for. As she slowly moved to the other room, she used a very familiar expression among Christian Scientists. She said, almost apologetically, “I’m working on a demonstration.”

She was referring to the praying she was doing to demonstrate the healing of a particular problem. I never asked what the problem was. The next day I said to this friend, “You are not working on a demonstration— you are the demonstration.” Let me explain.

Christian Scientists turn to God as the one power, one Creator, one Principle, Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Spirit, and Soul. With God as the source of all, man’s life must be in and of God—as His image and reflection (see Gen. 1:26, 27). In this understanding, we see God as perfect Principle working in our lives, and our real being as spiritual. Daily we strive to deepen our understanding and demonstration of these divine synonyms of God in operation.

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