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From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“What should I think about dreams? Should I ignore them?” Those two questions initiated a thought-provoking discussion recently on It’s evidently a topic with as much interest for people now as it has had down through history. The Bible’s first book explains in chapter 41 how Joseph interpreted a vivid and perplexing dream for the Egyptian king. Thirty-nine chapters before that, we read of Adam’s “deep sleep,” and the extended dream of material existence that proceeded out of it—which seems to carry on right into today.

This April issue of the Journal addresses the ongoing need we all have to wake up from this dream state. Although thousands of years have passed since that Adamic account of creation was chronicled, people are still struggling with its illusions. Mary Trammell’s article, “Wake up to healing!” (p. 31), will give you plenty to think about on how and why we’ve got to throw off its illusions and wake up to the wonderful awareness of our permanent life in God.

Speaking of the Bible, the interview with Christian Science teacher Pamela DeBolt, which begins on page 18, enriches this month’s discussion. She talks about the Bible’s significance to Mary Baker Eddy as entirely spiritual, essential, and revelatory. She observes, “Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual sense shines the light on Genesis 1—God, Spirit, made everything in His image.” And she shares how the Scriptures have, in the last few years, “opened up a whole new world to me.”

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