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Road Diaries

An occasional column, recording insights and experiences from members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship as they travel the world, speaking on Christian Science and its healing mission.

Road diaries

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Though clearly a lecture is about conveying Christian Science with words, I continue to find the real effectiveness of a lecture to be in proportion to how much of the spirit of Truth and Love I’m confirming in my own life. The audience will hear the words, but they will feel the message more effectively if I have the conviction of the Truth of which I speak.

I find this conviction in what the disciples of Christ Jesus learned and accomplished— that the works confirm the Word. After Jesus’ ascension, it’s recorded in the Gospel of Mark that his disciples “went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (16:20).

I can gather from this that preaching and healing go hand in hand under the guiding care of God’s wisdom, power, and love. The Word must be confirmed. My words must be backed up with healing.

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