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Lives Inspired by Mary Baker Eddy’s Example

Encouraged by a spiritual pioneer

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is such a privilege to have been educated in Christian Science, from the time I was a little girl. In the Sunday School I attended in Buenos Aires, and through my mother’s healing work, I learned about God’s laws and have witnessed through the years how these laws operate in my life, bringing health and happiness to me and my family. 

I think of the leaven Jesus talks about in the Gospels as the leaven of Truth that Mary Baker Eddy brought to the world. In the textbook on Christian Science, Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy explains that her discovery of the Science of Christ has leavened thought and is healing the world’s ills today, as it did in Jesus’ time. She said that the textbook was dictated by God. “I simply held the pen,” she told Edward Bates, one of her students. “Science and Health is God’s word, and I have studied it all these years to learn what God said. What Mary thinks makes no difference; I want to know what God said” (Edward P. Bates Reminiscences, p. 97, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, The Mary Baker Eddy Library). 

Her words have helped me see that the discoverer of Christian Science was not just a religious leader with original ideas. God guided and revealed to her His divine laws that naturally bring freedom and well-being. And with unconditional love, Mrs. Eddy dedicated her life to making this revelation available to everybody. 

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