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Your Questions & Answers

Following the example set by the question-and-answer columns in the early Journals, when Mary Baker Eddy was Editor, this column will respond to general queries from Journal readers with responses from Journal readers. You’ll find information at the end of the column about how to submit questions.

If matter does not exist, why are we here in the first place?

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If matter does not exist, as Mary Baker Eddy says, why are we here in the first place and why did our Master Jesus Christ come to this (unreal) world to help us conquer its unreality? —A reader in Massachusetts, US

A1: The beauty of Christian Science is that it’s not an abstract philosophy but a practical, demonstrable explanation of Christ Jesus’ teachings. Jesus’ mission was to reveal the spiritual nature of man, woman, and the universe in ways people could understand. The appearing of spiritual reality is the coming of the Christ to you. Jesus pierced the mist of spiritual ignorance and the carnal mind’s resistance by illustrating that spiritual demonstration is possible right here where materiality seems to dominate. Our highest, our real or ideal, identity is the original male and female created by God—spiritual, good, happy, and harmonious. This is the creation described in Genesis 1, which is the perfect original. It might be analogous to a musical composition. The original score is perfect. But does that mean a musician plays it perfectly? Maybe not. Sometimes it takes practice. Where do any mistakes come from? Well, they don’t actually come from anywhere. Mistakes don’t have a source. But they do need to be corrected. That is what Christ does for us. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was sent by God to save each individual from making the mistake of thinking they are merely mortal, living in a godless world. Jesus healed selfishness, cured sickness, walked over the water, multiplied food without farming. Jesus lived his spiritual identity, Christ. You are living your eternal life now. Your spiritual being is now. You and I are living in the kingdom of heaven now. If it seems that you are living in a godless material world, Christ is still coming to you, revealing your original spiritual identity. Why are we here in the first place? To glorify and express God! And where is “here”? We are all here in the kingdom of God, living our harmonious, holy, eternal life.

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