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Testimonies of Healing

Safe and whole after collision

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“I’m dating a girl who’s a Christian Scientist—does anyone know anything about it?”

 That’s the question I posed to my mother and her fellow churchgoing friends at a diner after mass one Sunday. One of the most respected members of the group replied: “Ah, that’s the religion that heals.” No one else in the breakfast group knew anything about it, but based on that feedback, Christian Science seemed acceptable to me. 

I grew up the youngest of 15 children, in a family with a double- wide medicine cabinet in the kitchen, so I was surprised to learn that my Christian Scientist girlfriend had never taken an aspirin in her life. I was impressed that she wouldn’t venture out into her day without having read the weekly Bible Lesson. My girlfriend’s life was filled with numerous accounts of relying on prayer as a means of healing.   

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