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Paul's voice

From the April 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Paul’s voice—through the power inherent in his words of truth—booms.

Its tones reverberate through the centuries right into my heart and
Work as a tuning device to bring me in accord with God’s song.

Paul’s words teach me to trust God’s perfect conducting and
my sure living of His liberating music written
on my heart by His very hand.

I am assured and certain that Christ is my permanent music Teacher—
keeping me on score, 
in sync,
as the right note.

With all Paul has instructed me—
about my puny helplessness,
the almightiness of God,
His grace,
His justification of me in so many ways, and
my reconciliation to Him—
How can I keep from singing God’s song?

Why, I can’t!

I am accounted by Christ himself a full-time member of his choir.
My life is replete in the cycles of rehearsals and performances.

All I can do now is sing God’s song.

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