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Of Good Report

Our brother returned home safe and sound

From the April 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Originally published in French.

It is with deep gratitude to God and for learning to pray the way it is taught in Christian Science that I offer this testimony.

A number of years ago, our brother left home to go and learn a trade from our uncle in a foreign country. At one point while abroad, he traveled alone into another province. Our family didn’t hear from him for a long time. All the means at our disposal were used to find him, but in vain.

My mom suggested we could pray for our brother. My siblings and I had learned in the Christian Science Sunday School that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. We also knew that God is Love, and that we are all created in His spiritual image. This reassured us that our brother could in no way be separated from God, Love. He could never, under any circumstance, find himself in a situation where God’s love would not be able to come to his aid.

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