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Of Good Report

Already whole, always loved

From the April 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Growing up in an era where the stories were about the beautiful princess meeting her handsome prince and living happily ever after, that’s what I expected—and desperately wanted. Starting in early high school, I would “fall in love,” only to find that there were qualities about the person I had fallen for that I didn’t like at all. This continued through the first two years of college, when I realized I certainly didn’t want to end up without the “happily ever after” because I’d made a wrong decision.

At this point, Christ Jesus’ promise, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33), became practical to me. I had just gone through Christian Science class instruction, which is two weeks of intensive study and growth in understanding God and God’s creation, man, and how to pray effectively on the basis of this understanding. I had been raised going to the Christian Science Sunday School, and I had seen and experienced an abundance of immediate and amazing healings (physical, financial, and family-related), so I was used to trusting God’s power and allness. However, class instruction really helped me focus and gave me a deeper understanding that I could apply daily. 

There’s no outside to God’s goodness, so I knew I didn’t need to look elsewhere to have good in my life.

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