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Of Good Report

Always safe in God’s neighborhood

From the April 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One early spring evening when my children were young, my eight-year-old son Philip was at his little league baseball game, and my five-year-old son Timmy was playing with a friend on our front porch while I finished washing the dinner dishes. We would soon go to the game as spectators and applauders.

When it was time to leave for the game, there was no sign of Timmy or his friend. Since we had rules, and I could usually count on Timmy being obedient, I was surprised not to see him where I expected him to be. 

I walked to his friend’s house, and no one was there. I stood quietly on the sidewalk and just asked God, our Father-Mother, for direction. In Christian Science, one of the names for God is Mind, and I knew I could rely on this all-encompassing Mind to guide me to find my little boy, and that he was safe in this loving Mind. 

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