I was posted to an American embassy overseas, and my fiancé was working in the United States. As we made wedding preparations, we were very concerned that he might not find employment in the country where I was located and we would have to work in separate countries, possibly for several years.
Well-meaning colleagues insisted that it was a waste of time for him to look for employment within the embassy, as the few jobs set aside for spouses were unrelated to his training and experience. That was especially discouraging, since all other avenues for employment appeared equally unlikely. It felt like one closed door after another.
My fiancé and I decided the only reliable answer would be found with God. And so we began to reason from a spiritual basis that his career and our future were not controlled by fallible human opinions or decisions. We dropped the thought that the solution had to be found within the embassy, and we stayed with the spiritual fact that the answer is always under God’s supreme and unerring control. We prayed not to be fearful of the barrage of predictions about a futile job search or to mentally rehearse the seeming challenges. And, we held firmly to the unerring spiritual fact that God’s law of good is ceaselessly operating, and we have a God-given right to see this divine law manifested in practical ways.