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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science is unfolding...

From the December 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is unfolding to me health, happiness, and understanding, and for these I am very grateful; grateful, too, for having been brought up in a home where Christian Science was the only religion, medicine, and doctor, and where the power of God through the teachings of Christian Science has been effectually applied to overcome many an erroneous condition; grateful for the privilege of attending a Christian Science Sunday School, for membership in The Mother Church in Boston and in one of its branch churches, and also for class instruction. But I am most grateful for the revelation and discovery of the goodness and allness of God, Life, and of the perfection of man, His reflection.

About six years ago I was placed in a position where I seemed to develop a morbid mental condition, which bound and fettered me on all sides. I was an attendant at a Christian Science Sunday School at the time, and the goodness and spirituality taught there, together with the wholesome and honest atmosphere, rebuked and disquieted the error in my thinking. I felt that the condition was not right, for I was most unhappy and dissatisfied; but I could not discern the specific difficulty or free myself from its seeming hold. As time went on I became more and more discontented, and earnestly desired to be shown the way out. I was trying to do right, but just did not seem to know how.

But God is good, and He does guide and protect His children. Mrs. Eddy tells us that "through the wholesome chastisements of Love, we are helped onward in the march toward righteousness, peace, and purity, which are the landmarks of Science" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 323). Truly it was divine Love which guided my mother to detect the nature of the wrong condition and gave her wisdom and patience to point out to me the maliciousness and the unreality of it. The revelation brought discouragement, shame, fear, self condemnation, and bitterness, but drove me to study more earnestly the textbooks of Christian Science, the Bible and Science and Health.

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