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From the November 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In "Christian Science versus Pantheism" Mary Baker Eddy writes (p. 6), "Finally, brethren, let us continue to denounce evil as the illusive claim that God is not supreme, and continue to fight it until it disappears,—but not as one that beateth the mist, but lifteth his head above it and putteth his foot upon a lie." This recognition of God as the supreme governing power is in harmony with the First Commandment. Nothing material can equal in value the understanding that God is the only power. Thus it follows that every pretense of power claimed by evil can be destroyed by steadfastly holding to the Revelator's declaration, "The Lord God omnipotent reigneth."

Christian Science has brought in this age the revelation of Truth which was promised by the Master. It is a scientific, demonstrable religion, which reveals God to the human thought as all powerful, ever-present good, and man as the complete and perfect expression of His nature. Those who have proved the liberating effect of knowing that God and His idea are inseparable can rejoice with the Psalmist in saying, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

This realization that the grace of God is with divine power, ever present to help in trouble, has aroused new courage and hope in those whose halfhearted faith is darkened by fear and anxiety. They would seek this help from our loving Father, but hesitate, not knowing how to approach Him. Yet this very desire of the heart to reach Godward is the first step required. This, we remember, was the simple desire of the timid one who wanted only to touch the hem of the Master's garment, when straightway she felt the Christpower which was present to bless and to heal.

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