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From the November 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To one looking out over the world of human endeavor it may seem that the ills of men are many. Looking through the lens of mortal sense, much is seen that is unlike the heavenly Father and His perfect and harmonious universe. But is that real which is not good? Do troubled world conditions come of God, the Father of all, or do such conditions represent a false state of mortal thought? Being infinite good, "of purer eyes than to behold evil," God could not create iniquity, hatred, greed, aggression. Is not liberty for all mankind divinely natural? Is not God's infallible government demonstrable, and is not righteousness unconquerable? These are momentous questions to be considered in humanity's quest of a lasting peace and a sure prosperity.

There is another question, a vital one, now uppermost in the hearts and thoughts of every God loving individual, namely, "How can I contribute more substantially to world harmony; what can I do to promote peace, liberty, protection, happiness, and health for all mankind?"

Because mere human endeavor has resulted in repeated failures to establish and perpetuate peaceful world relations, many are turning to God prayerfully seeking a more certain way of bringing among men the harmonious kingdom of God. And many throughout the world are learning that Christian Science not only answers the fundamental questions about existence, but points out the better way and enables its adherents to demonstrate the presence of good. Through the study of Christian Science many are being led out of the darkness of mortal beliefs and opinions. Statesmen, as well as business and professional men and women, are finding that the truth about God and man, as revealed through Christian Science, gives them perspicacity and clearness of vision not otherwise obtainable; that it enables them to make more righteous decisions, and to be more effective workers in the warfare against human ignorance and despotism.

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