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From the November 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Whoever is awake to his opportunities looks forward to some goal. With one person it may be the attainment of wealth or position, with another, success as an artist. It makes no difference what the aspiration is, a willingness to persist, in spite of discouragement and even opposition, is an essential part of his equipment. In order to overcome obstacles, however, there must be expectancy. We have all proved in our own experience, to some extent, that expectancy is the open door through which good finds an entrance.

It is equally true that in spiritual progress expectancy of good is the open door through which eternal blessings come into our experience. The world's opposition to Truth would close this door, but through our study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy we have learned to overcome material opposition as unreal. Because God is omnipotent, we know that there is no other power, and that which seems to darken our thought is only false belief, which has no hold over the man of His creating.

The relationship between God and the real man is indissoluble, and because God is the inexhaustible source of good, man's heritage from God is good. One may lose his hold on good when he ascribes power to matter, either through exalting material pleasures or through bowing down to the material laws of sin, sickness, and death. Thought may vacillate between optimism and pessimism, between hope and fear, until finally, through despair, one is driven to seek divine Love.

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