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From the November 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Never was it more imperative than it is now that not only individuals but communities and nations the world over should retain their poise and inward peace in the face of what they seem to be experiencing and in the face of the news coming to them over the radio and through the press. Aggression can be stopped, for God's kingdom is not subject to aggression. More consecration will enable us to understand and demonstrate this fact, and there can be no consecration without obedience. Christian Scientists realize that never was there a greater need than there is today for them to give daily attention to their daily duties as laid down by their Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in the Manual of The Mother Church. By looking up the word "daily" in the Concordances to Mrs. Eddy's writings, the student of Christian Science will discover many daily duties other than merely external ones.

Mrs. Eddy prophetically foresaw the needs of this hour. In words which might have been written today, she indicated the necessity for handling aggression. In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 284) we read, for instance, "Evil let alone grows more real, aggressive, and enlarges its claims; but, met with Science, it can and will be mastered by Science." Evil is not personal. No good is accomplished by condemning one for his aggressiveness and another for his passiveness. God never created an aggressor or any power of aggression. Furthermore, man, governed by Soul, is not the victim of aggression.

The only power on earth is the omnipotence of God. Through Christian Science has come the means of proving this in every emergency. Christian Science is divine Love's priceless gift to humanity, and it is the Christian Scientist's privilege, prerogative, and duty to utilize this power for the purpose of destroying in the so-called minds of mortals the fear of evil, the fear of mental and physical aggression. Aggressive suggestions derive their claim to power from fear, which is the weapon of tyrants and dictators. Aggression cannot operate save in the seeming realm of fear. The way to disarm aggressors and stop aggression, then, is to eradicate the fear of aggression, and this is part of the work entrusted to Christian Scientists.

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