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From the November 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In these strenuous times when nations are lined up in a mighty conflict, conscientious individuals throughout the world are concerned with understanding and maintaining true loyalty. They wish to be loyal to Principle, to their fellow men, and to the country of their birth or adoption, and are earnestly seeking a satisfactory solution to their problem. A consideration of loyalty in the light that Christian Science throws upon it is helpful.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, gives this definition of loyalty in her autobiography, "Retrospection and Introspection" (p. 50): "By loyalty in students I mean this,— allegiance to God, subordination of the human to the divine, steadfast justice, and strict adherence to divine Truth and Love." Here is the answer to all who are willing to listen. Thought must be lifted to a spiritual basis and there maintained, in spite of arguments that existence is mortal. In no other way can the struggling heart find peace.

Christian Science teaches, in accordance with the first chapter of Genesis, that man is spiritual, made in the likeness of God, Spirit. With this premise the logical thinker arrives at satisfying conclusions. In God's spiritual kingdom, the realm of the real, man is necessarily allegiant to his Maker because of the very nature of his being as spiritual reflection or image. In this kingdom man expresses the fullness of Deity. He abides "in the secret place of the most High," in spiritual awareness of the kingdom to which he is forever loyal. Our allegiance to God, then, means thinking and living in accord with divine Principle, allowing no false, material concept of God and His creation to find lodgment in our consciousness.

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