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From the November 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since the commencement of present hostilities, many of the peace-loving peoples of the world have been ruthlessly driven from their homes and compelled to surrender their native lands to the aggressive forces of armed invaders, and apparently so successful have been these destructive forces that other nations have been continually threatened by fear of encroachment and subordination.

Christian Science, as revealed to the world by its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, teaches that violent methods, being contrary to Christianity, must inevitably fail, and her words should be a source of great encouragement and strength to all Christian peoples wherever they may be. She says (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 79): "'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force!' said Jesus. Therefore are its spiritual gates not captured, nor its golden streets invaded."

It is self evident that an invasion by military force expresses certain erroneous phases of thought, such as covetousness, jealousy, domination, lust for power, and greed, entertained by the intruding thought. It will, therefore, be readily seen that the only adequate mental protection against the intrusion of such destructive suggestions is the substitution within one's own consciousness of the counteracting thoughts of love, compassion, contentment, humility, and tenderness emanating from the divine Mind, which is God. To the alert thinker, then, it will be clear that erroneous elements of thought are the primal cause of all conflict, and the only enemies responsible for the suffering and outward devastation resulting therefrom. If this were more universally understood, individuals would avail themselves of the counterweapon they possess, namely, their God-given ability to safeguard their own consciousness from invasion by these destructive mental forces of the carnal mind; and the constant use of this weapon would, of itself, constitute an impregnable fortress against such common enemies as family feuds, communal disturbances, as well as national and international strife and destruction.

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