I should like to add my expression of gratitude to that of thousands who have been blessed through the understanding and application of Christian Science. It is the only religion I have ever known, and it has never failed to solve my human problems whenever thoroughly tried and whenever solely relied upon for help.
Because of the loving protection of Christian Science, both in the home and in the Christian Science Sunday School, I have had relative freedom from physical difficulties throughout my lifetime. Though as a child I occasionally had such minor problems as toothache, sore muscles, and headaches, I can think of no really serious physical problem which had to be met. In fact, during eight years of high school and university, and for some years now in the business world, I can recall only two or three days that I have missed normal activity because of some physical trouble.
While I was attending a large university Christian Science proved a great help to me in my studies, and it was my privilege to serve actively in the Christian Science Organization there. Needless to say this experience was beneficial in preparing me for church work and taking my place as an active working Christian Scientist.