The spiritual thought realm is the one and only realm to which there can be no bounds, no limits. When, in Christian Science, we understand all true thought to be the expression of God, the omnipotent, omnipresent Mind, nothing will be impossible of attainment.
Inspired thought, or prayer, breaks down barriers and conquers opposition. It reaches to the ends of the earth. It realizes that omniactive, omnipresent Mind is with those we love in the war zone, on the seas, and in the air. Because enlightened thought, with its recognition of reality, emanates from God. it is protective; it sustains, supports, encourages. The true thought realm, which is the realm of Mind, cannot be invaded by evil, by aggressive mental suggestion, or by belief in disease and danger, for Mind includes only right ideas and embraces its complete manifestation. Mary Baker Eddy, in her Message to The Mother Church for 1900, writes on page 4, "It should seem rational that the only perfect religion is divine Science, Christianity as taught by our great Master; that which leaves the beaten path of human doctrines and is the truth of God, and of man and the universe."
There is something exhilarating in leaving beaten paths. Some have had the experience, no doubt, of leaving a trail worn down by many feet, and of exploring new ground, trusting to a dawning sense of direction as their guide. Leaving the beaten paths of human doctrines, however, is a far grander experience, and few, comparatively speaking, have known its joys. We have everlasting hills to climb, because the revelation of Christian Science has to be individually explored and tested, and Christian Scientists may still be called pioneers in this adventure.