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From the November 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From time to time individuals have appeared who, because of their ability to see beyond the superficialities of material existence, have left for posterity examples of inspired lives and the blessed benefits of their teachings. God has not been partial in His bestowal of spiritual perception on these few; but rather have they, through their purity and receptivity, been able to hear His voice more clearly and claim with more assurance the divine blessings which await the discernment of every individual.

In ''Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" our Leader. Mary Baker Eddy, writes (p. 308). "The Soul-inspired patriarchs heard the voice of Truth, and talked with God as consciously as man talks with man." Think of such a holy experience! Does it seem incredible? Is it beyond our comprehension that God has messages or angels for each one of us, testifying of His allness and omnipotence, His protection and guidance throughout eternity?

The fact is, God speaks to each and every one of us. We may not as yet have risen to the inspired mental heights of prophet or apostle, but according to our understanding we hear His voice. In most things we do there are decisions to make or alternatives from which we must choose. Even in the simple everyday tasks one can choose to do a good job or a bad one.

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