I should like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science. Some nine years ago I had reached a point in my experience where there seemed little worth living for. Physically, I was exhausted; mentally, I was completely discouraged. I could find little or no employment, and what I could find was unsatisfying and temporary. An attempt to find solace in the religion of my childhood met only with the assertion that all were called upon, at one time or another, to bear these burdens, and that there was very little, if anything, that I could do about it. I was advised to adhere to God and pray to Him in the hope that He might see fit to alleviate some of the troubles which seemed to throng my experience. I resigned myself to this, and went doggedly along from day to day with little joy or expectation.
In the midst of this unhappy experience it was my privilege to attend a Christian Science lecture for the first time. I shall never forget the calm assurance, which came to me during that lecture, that at last I had found a way. I heard for the first time of the kind of God that I wanted to hear about, the God I knew was the true God. With this awakening to the truth about Him came a realization of my heritage as a child of God. Then I realized that my problems were not God-sent, not predestined, and with that realization came the courage and strength to go about their solution in the right way.
In a short time permanent employment in a satisfying position had been obtained, health began to return, and there was a new joy and anticipation in living. Ever since that time Christian Science has been my only physician, and through its ministrations many physical problems have been met, some instantaneously, others slowly. Christian Science has become my only guide, and it has directed me through problems of human relationships, supply, and many others. Truly, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."