"SEEK Truth, and pursue it. It should cost you something: you are willing to pay for error and receive nothing in return; but if you pay the price of Truth, you shall receive all." Mrs. Eddy makes this thought-provoking statement on page 342 of "Miscellaneous Writings."
Our Leader knew from experience that the price of Truth comes high. In presenting Christian Science to the world, she stressed the fact that Truth does not compromise with its opposite, error, but calls for complete and unhesitating fidelity to its pure and wholesome demands. But hear again her wonderful promise of reward, "if you pay the price of Truth, you shall receive all."
Certainly this "all" of which our Leader speaks must be good if it stems from Truth, God. Paying the price of Truth, then, will be to each of us what our present experience demands in order to prepare us to receive the good that Truth has to offer. This involves a great putting off of "the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts" and a putting on of "the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness" (Eph. 4:22-24).