From the time I was very young I had searched for a religion that would give me hope and a right understanding of God. After my children were born I joined an orthodox church because I believed they should attend some Sunday School. For a number of years I was in a state of intense mental depression due to discord in the home. Then we moved to another neighborhood where I felt the situation would become worse.
Shortly after we had moved, a neighbor, aware of my disturbed thought, spoke to me of Christian Science. I knew nothing about this religion, and when she offered me a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel, I asked, "How can anything in that paper help me?" She kindly urged me to take it anyway. The first article I read uplifted my thinking, giving me new courage and hope. I learned that there is a God who is near and always ready to help. What a revelation! As I later told her, it was like the experience of a drowning man grasping at a straw and finding it to be a sturdy beam.
Several weeks later I realized I was no longer using the steel arch supports which it had been necessary for me to wear. I was amazed and acknowledged that Christian Science had effected the healing.