Every absolute truth which is understood, every spiritual idea which is cherished, every thought of divine Love which is entertained, must have its correlative manifestation to the human senses as an improved belief or as a healing wrought by the revelation of the Word, known today as divine Science. In a message to the members of the Christian Science church in Concord, New Hampshire, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, included this arresting statement: "Christian Science healing is 'the Spirit and the bride,'—the Word and the wedding of this Word to all human thought and action,—that says: Come, and I will give thee rest, peace, health, holiness" (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 153).
According to one Bible commentator the word "Logos," or the "Word," means (1) "a thought or concept; (2) the expression or utterance of that thought; . . . the collective 'thought' of God; ... the utterance or expression of the Person, and 'thought' of Deity." As understood in Christian Science, the Logos or Word is God and His manifestation, the Christ, revealed—divine Principle and its idea, divine Mind with its omniscience, divine Life with its omnipotence, Spirit with its omnipresence.
The Bible records throughout "the wedding of this Word to all human thought and action." Although the Word, or Christ, is impersonal, it is nevertheless individual. In describing this impersonality and individuality, Mrs. Eddy first quotes from the Gospel of John, "'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God' (St. John)." And then she adds, "This great truth of God's impersonality and individuality and of man in His image and likeness, individual, but not personal, is the foundation of Christian Science" (Miscellany, p. 117).