Human existence becomes progressively happier, healthier, and more profitable as one gains a clearer understanding of divine Love and willingly obeys God's laws. Christian Science elucidates the Biblical statement, "God is love" (I John 4:8). God is the creator of the universe and man. As one understands that man can never be separated from his creator, Spirit, Love, he accepts the great fact that spiritual existence alone is his divine heritage. Furthermore, he accepts the fact that mortal existence is a counterfeit of spiritual existence.
The physical senses testify that all existence is mortal and material. But this falsity is rebuked in Christian Science since it has no foundation in Truth. Mrs. Eddy declares in Science and Health (p. 13), "Because of human ignorance of the divine Principle, Love, the Father of all is represented as a corporeal creator; hence men recognize themselves as merely physical, and are ignorant of man as God's image or reflection and of man's eternal incorporeal existence."
Human ignorance of the source and substance of Life leads to the beliefs in sickness, sin, and death. An understanding of divine Love cleanses human consciousness of its false beliefs in a corporeal creator and a mortal creation. Thus wholeness, completeness, harmony, and health, inherent in divine Love, are seen to be man's natural heritage. As this truth is understood, human existence is progressively uplifted and liberated from bondage to the tyranny of mortal mind suggestions. On page 492 of Science and Health we read: "Being is holiness, harmony, immortality. It is already proved that a knowledge of this, even in small degree, will uplift the physical and moral standard of mortals, will increase longevity, will purify and elevate character."