At this period many men and women are looking to psychology and psychiatry for the uncovering of faults of character, which are due possibly to unwise rearing, hereditary tendencies, and unfavorable background, or present environment, which they believe may account for their problems. Some of these individuals, disappointed in their fruitless search, are turning to a more spiritually scientific self-analysis.
While it is true that all the troubles which beset the human family stem from the erroneous concepts and sins of the so-called mortal mind, analyzing this pseudo mind and its concept of man will not correct the unhappiness and misery of mortal existence. Ignoring or excusing errors, personal shortcomings, and idiosyncrasies is not scientific or salutary either. Honest, courageous appraisal of that which appears to be oneself, together with childlike willingness to rebuke and reject whatever is ungodlike, is an important beginning in the overcoming of the ills of mind and body.
By her discovery and founding of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy, through understanding the distinction between the real man, God's image and likeness, and the fictitious Adam, or dust-of-the-earth man, which falsely claims individuality and identity, has awakened millions to a correct estimate of themselves. They are learning that God, divine Mind, alone is the creator and Mind of man and that the man who appears to have another mind—a carnal, mortal mind—is an erroneous concept, even that supposed mortal selfhood to which Isaiah referred when he said (2:22), "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?"