What is righteous government and what are the steps leading to its establishment? Hundreds of thousands of individuals are seeking the right answers to these vital questions. The Psalmist foresaw true government when he wrote (Ps. 67: 3, 4): "Let the people praise thee. . . . O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth."
Christian Science teaches that righteous government rests on God, the divine Principle, Love, and is set up in human experience as individual consciousness expresses the Christ, the unassailable nature of God. True government cannot be based on the whims and fancies of earthly personalities. But when personal sense yields to God's unimpeachable rule, government expresses an ever-increasing sense of wisdom, justice, equity.
God's righteous government constitutes true self-government and is attained by subordinating material sense to the control of Soul, which is the only stable governing power. Humanity, honesty, affection, and meekness are manifested in one's life as one communes more closely with God, good, and so gradually awakes to the fact that He alone governs.