In the first chapter of Genesis we read: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. . . . And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." In between these two verses is the detailed account of the spiritual creation; nowhere in this account is it recorded that anything was made that was not good.
Daily, we are faced with the opposite of good— sin, sickness, loss, lack, accident, and many other discordant conditions. Are we to accept them as true, inevitable, and unavoidable? Christian Science provides the scientific proof that because God is infinite good, none of these evils are true or real, and they and their effects can be removed from human experience without leaving mark or memory.
Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 450), "The Christian Scientist has enlisted to lessen evil, disease, and death; and he will overcome them by understanding their nothingness and the allness of God, or good." Here is a definite rule for getting rid of the evils that appear to beset humanity.