Mrs. Eddy writes in "Unity of Good" (p. 37): "Human beings are physically mortal, but spiritually immortal. The evil accompanying physical personality is illusive and mortal; but the good attendant upon spiritual individuality is immortal." And then she adds, "Existing here and now, this unseen individuality is real and eternal."
The immediate effect of acknowledging our spiritual immortality now will be that of bringing our physical environment, including our bodies, under the control of God, divine Principle, the sustainer and preserver of our being.
When it is realized that whatever is real in our human existence is based upon Spirit, immortal qualities begin at once to transform our experience; that is, we show forth the qualities of immortal Mind and in this way improve the sense of our present existence. With each advancing spiritual footstep out of materialism, we yield to the present fact of our spiritual identity. As a result, a new type of humanhood appears, one that is freer from sin, disease, and the deteriorations of old age. This spiritual approach to our experience makes immortal qualities available to us now, qualities that are sinless, diseaseless, deathless.