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Testimonies of Healing

Having known nothing but the healing...

From the January 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Having known nothing but the healing power of God as taught in Christian Science all my life, I have much for which to be grateful!

So-called children's diseases, an infected thumb, a sprained ankle, concussion, and car sickness were all taken care of harmoniously without medication of any kind and were healed effectively through the application of Science, and the healings have been permanent.

Knowing that man's true employment is to reflect God, I was led to leave home and accept more challenging activity in another state during World War II. Although the housing situation was acute, I found a comfortable home with a Christian Scientist. I was instantaneously healed of homesickness while talking with her the week after my arrival. It was at this home that I met, and subsequently married, an active Christian Scientist.

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