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Testimonies of Healing

Words are inadequate to express the...

From the January 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Words are inadequate to express the depth of gratitude that I feel in my heart for Christian Science, for the freedom from limitations, for the continuous good health, and for the harmony it has brought into my life.

When I was a child my front teeth protruded badly. On a visit to the dentist, my mother and I were told that I must have a brace put across my teeth immediately in order to guide them back into place, or they would never grow normally. After leaving the dentist, we declared that there is only perfect God and perfect man and that in God's perfect creation there is nothing unlovely or out of place. In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy writes (p. 273), "Divine Science reverses the false testimony of the material senses, and thus tears away the foundations of error." In the following paragraph she says: "The so-called laws of matter and of medical science have never made mortals whole, harmonious, and immortal. Man is harmonious when governed by Soul." We realized that there was no law that could dictate an irregular growth, because all law emanates from divine Principle.

We worked along these lines, and within a few weeks we again visited the dentist. He noted a remarkable change in the position of the teeth, and said that perhaps a brace would not be necessary. I never wore a brace of any kind; and on a visit to another dentist fifteen years later, I was told that I had an exceptionally fine set of front teeth. When told of the situation that had existed, the dentist could not believe that such a change had been possible without the use of braces.

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