I am deeply grateful to the friends who introduced me to Christian Science about nine years ago. I have indeed found it to be the Comforter that Jesus promised (see John 14:16). It has redeemed me from a heritage of centuries of spiritual backwardness, pagan idolatry, and from being a victim of hateful mental influence. It has shown me the reason for existing and acquainted me with the true idea of God and of man's true selfhood as His reflection and has proved to me that Christ as revealed in Christian Science is indeed the only "way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).
When I began to study Science, I was sick—more sick morally and mentally than physically. I had a very heavy debt, my business was at the point of bankruptcy, and it was a question where the next meal would come from. There were many urgent legal demands for payment of debts, failing which my business and property would have to be sold to pay up the debts.
I am happy to state that things are quite different today. My business began to pick up. Clients voluntarily insisted on paying an extra sum of money for services received, because they felt that they were undercharged and that the increase in payment was justly due. Today this very business is one of the most prosperous in the community, with all debts paid.