The history books show that mankind has perpetually been plagued by problems of personal lack and world shortages. If we are confronted by them now (and we are), these are not new phenomena but present-day instances of mortality's first lie—finity. Whatever shortages the nations face now— of food, energy, housing, employment, or anything else—are merely variations on the lie of finite existence suggested by the subtle arguments of material sense. The source of these arguments is typified in the Bible by the serpent, which, since the beginning of time, has deluded the whole world into believing that good is limited.
But God, the only I am that I am, is All, Infinity. God, good, is everywhere present and all-inclusive. He is inexhaustible power, omnipresent intelligence, perfect, imperishable substance. He is eternal Life, infinite individuality. He knows no lack, no end to His own being or to the good He provides abundantly for everything He creates.
Everything that truly exists is comprised in Spirit, the All-God. He is the one divine Principle, the infinite creator; and His idea, or creation, is perpetually manifested as the spiritual, perfect, infinite, and eternal universe, including man.