The physical senses are so limited in scope and sensitivity that they fail to detect many structures and events. The eyes do not respond to many kinds of light, such as the ultraviolet and infrared, and the ears fail to register many sounds.
To bring phenomena lying beyond the range of the senses into perception, numerous scientific instruments of high sensitivity have been devised. Electron microscopes distinguish features quite imperceptible to human vision. Radar and sonar devices register signals unnoticed by the senses. X rays penetrate apparently solid bodies and reveal internal structures.
On the supposition that disease originates in the body, physicians employ such instruments to pinpoint disorders not otherwise seen. However, it cannot be said that the use of detecting instruments has been notably successful in eliminating disease and suffering. Sometimes ailments are uncovered for which there is no medical cure. Disease never originates in the organism called body, but always in the human mind. No instruments exist by which the state of consciousness may be thoroughly explored; yet it is here that the healing process must be initiated and completed.