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Trivial testimony?

From the December 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was attending a large Christian Science church as a visitor. Because so many wished to testify, the Reader had to indicate to those standing who would speak. Three times I stood, but others were selected. When my turn came, I said: "We have heard of a heart disease healed by Christian Science. Thanks to prayer and gratitude, a cancer dissolved. Also through prayer, a corporate bankruptcy was avoided. By comparison, I suspect my testimony will seem trivial."

Then I explained that as a teen-ager I grew very rapidly in height, which seemed to cause physical problems. A neighbor who was a Christian Scientist talked with me several times about Science. With care and patience she told me about God; His reflection, man; and spiritual creation. During our third conversation she quoted Mrs. Eddy's assurance, "God rests in action."Science and Health, p. 519; She said that as God's perfect, complete, and spiritual reflection I too rested "in action," governed by divine law. She reminded me that when Christ Jesus was young and was about his Father's business, he must have rested in action. The truths I heard and gratefully accepted led to a complete and almost instantaneous healing. Soon I was attending a Christian Science Sunday School, and Christian Science became my way of life.

As I sat down the next speaker began by saying, "I must disagree with the previous speaker. There are no trivial testimonies." After the meeting she explained that two young friends, facing essentially the same problems as I had, were attending, and she assured me that they would not rate the testimony as trivial.

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