One of the facts the "new physics" has shown mankind is that matter is not the continuous, solid stuff the physical senses say it is. In one of his classic lectures, Sir Arthur Eddington, the astronomer, once stated: "That environment of space and time and matter, of light and colour and concrete things, which seems so vividly real to us is probed deeply by every device of physical science and at the bottom we reach symbols. Its substance has melted into shadow."Arthur Stanley Eddington, Science and the Unseen World (New York: Macmillan Company, 1929), p. 37;
Whether or not there is anything "real" behind the symbols, the subatomic forces are held to be the most powerful in the universe. Splitting the atom, as we know, releases incredible energies that can be used for great good or unbelievable evil and destruction.
Long before natural scientists split the material atom, Mrs. Eddy disclosed that omnipotent Mind, God, gives evidence of itself in spiritual power, the only true power, which is always of benefit to humanity. She wrote with inspired insight: "Atomic action is Mind, not matter. It is neither the energy of matter, the result of organization, nor the outcome of life infused into matter: it is infinite Spirit, Truth, Life, defiant of error or matter."Miscellaneous Writings, p. 190;