Until recently I was a tour guide and traveled by air extensively. On one flight, I had just studied the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly when I felt directed to walk to the rear of the plane.
There I found a woman lying on the floor near the galley. Bending over her, I prayed. Then I told the stewardess of the woman's apparent need of oxygen. Silently I declared that God was the source of this individual's strength, and I remembered Mrs. Eddy's statement (Science and Health, p. 393): "Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man." My prayer acknowledged the constant presence of "the strength of Spirit."
There was a doctor aboard, and the flight attendant asked for his assistance. A few minutes later the doctor told us that the woman's life had just barely been saved; she had been in danger, since she hadn't been breathing for some time. He advised that she be transferred at the next transit stop.