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Not more bad news!

From the March 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The television sent forth volley after volley of bad news. My husband and I both burst out laughing when a reporter said, "More bad news after this word from our sponsors."

While bad news is nothing to laugh at, if an approach to news is too heavily slanted on the bad side, we may be getting a distorted picture of what is going on. Balancing the bad news with the positive side—the good news—would be more helpful. But we can go much further through scientific prayer. This prayer actually brings healing.

We have the Christian requirement to witness actively to the reality of being; that is, whenever we are presented with discord we should pray to discern the allness and goodness of God right where the troubling situation appears to be. This requirement is hinted at in the command given by Christ Jesus: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15. The word "gospel" is the translation of a Greek word meaning "good news."

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