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Of Good Report

There is no alternative to love

From the April 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

God loves by seeing His creation as He sees Himself. And God made us to love others as He loves us. Perhaps the kindest thing we can say to our neighbors is that God loves them and that they are being seen by God as He sees Himself, that is, perfect. 

It is easy to say, “I love you” to someone we know and appreciate, especially someone we trust will love us back. It is not as easy to say it to someone we hardly know or aren’t sure we can trust. We may want to wait for good qualities to surface in that individual before we trust them. Or it may not be easy to see good qualities in them. I’ve learned that truly loving my neighbor demands the desire to obey God and to exercise spiritual sense. 

I couldn’t turn a blind eye to God’s law. 

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