My first expression of gratitude in the periodicals appeared as a testimony in the Journal of June, 1939. The healings enumerated in that testimony have been permanent. Since then I have had many proofs of God's tender love, comfort, protection, and supply, as well as healings for myself and others.
When I was new in the study of Christian Science, my sister wrote that she had taken her stepson to a specialist on the recommendation of their dentist. The specialist had said that the boy's teeth were so out of line that he would have a deformed mouth and that his health would be affected. He had recommended a long course of treatment which, she said, they could not afford but would have to undertake.
I immediately sent her references from the Bible, including the one that states that the "crooked shall be made straight" (Isa. 40:4), and some from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I heard nothing for several months regarding this until we met at our parents' home. I asked about the boy, and my sister said, "Did you work for him in Christian Science?"