It is with sincere gratitude to Christian Science for the help it gives in every sphere of one's experience that I submit this testimony. Before beginning the study of Science I was an active member of an orthodox Christian church and still have memories of very happy times there. But it seemed that the teaching held no satisfactory answer to or explanation of those great questions which demanded some logical and acceptable reply.
The problems of pain, suffering, sickness, and disease seemed to be unanswerable and insurmountable in the present state of existence. The only possible complete freedom from these conditions seemed to be through death itself, which one was given to understand was the door to eternal life. Such beliefs were absolutely incompatible with the understanding of a God who is Love, a loving Father, who made man in His own image and likeness, who saw all that He had made and pronounced it good.
When Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, was loaned to me and I began to read, I realized that here was the truth which would give me a logical and demonstrable explanation of these and many other questions which had seemed to be obstacles to a fuller spiritual understanding and which would reveal the teachings of Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, as real and practical in our experience.